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手起刀落3D-傳奇正版授權RPG手遊 1.0.8
遊戲採用高端3D引擎技術加持,配合強大的動態渲染和炫酷的光影特效,使場景更具層次感,人物模型更顯立體化,戰鬥玩法更偏多維度。美術設計上汲取玄幻畫風以及寫實的美術風格,人物造型華麗而獨特。武器裝備全圖掉落,神器鎧甲自由鍛造。自由掛機升級迅速,實時PK驚險刺激,沙城爭霸熱血沸騰,還有GVG攻城戰等,讓你隨時體驗PK對戰的暢快。精美的3D畫面精緻的寫是畫風,豐富多樣的玩法締造奇幻的中州世界。【遊戲特色】沙城爭霸 兄弟齊心 千人對決在《手起刀落3D》中玩家建立或者加入幫會後就可以參加大型團體GVG攻城玩法【沙城爭霸】,玩家以公會為陣營,進行對決搶奪沙城,守城方需要抵禦所有玩家,攻城方相互之間也可對決廝殺,率先攻下皇城者可佔領沙城,直至被他人攻陷。想要在【沙城爭霸】中獲勝不僅需要公會會長的指揮,精英玩家的戰力,更需要公會兄弟們的齊心協力。英雄覺醒夥伴跟隨秒殺全屏【英雄】是《手起刀落3D》中跟隨玩家一同作戰的夥伴,在角色覺醒後,可以開啟其他職業角色作為夥伴。玩家最多可開啟三個夥伴,除了可以與自己一起戰鬥日常跟隨之外,還可與玩家角色合體在限定時間能爆發出極高的戰力與不同的職業的英雄合體可以變換出不同的外形和技能,合體技能也是玩家在日常戰鬥中的最終王牌,釋放時機需要謹慎把握。自由掛機輕鬆升級獲取神裝在《手起刀落3D》中完成日常玩法內容後可進行自由掛機刷怪升級,掛機獲得的經驗與日常殺怪相同,裝備、神器、材料等掉落也一致,輕鬆放置便可獲取神裝。即使在離線模式下遊戲依然會進行“離線掛機”,24小時升級刷怪不間斷,戰力提升更輕鬆。上古神器鍛造合成戰力飆升【上古神器】是《手起刀落3D》中的特色玩法,遊戲中各處都會掉落神器碎片,收集神器碎片可鍛造成神器,每位角色可裝備三件神器,與裝備不每件神器都擁有專屬的技能,帶有復活、吸血、麻痺等各類不同的效果,神器技能會隨著神器鍛造等級提升效果。在戰鬥中擁有神器的玩家在同等戰力下會發揮更大的作用。FB粉絲頁:官網預約頁:——請注意—— 本遊戲需要網路連線本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務。 請注意遊戲時間,不可過度沉迷唷
守護城堡 20.301.220
3D magic tower anti-mobile game "Guardian Castle" is burning!
主公快出牌 1.0.8
트라이브 워 드래곤 630
Bizarre sporty animation RPG!
CODE:SEED 星火之歌 T.0.6.45(1910311804)
Come learn about your partners, commander! Go to the Doomsdaybattlefield and save the world with the girls.
【測試說明】本次為【計費刪檔測試】,測試時間為2021年9月1日AM10:00~2021年9月22日16:00。測試結束後您的遊戲資料將被刪除。您在測試期間儲值的金額,將在遊戲正式上線後返還至同一帳號,詳細規則請至粉絲頁查看。本次測試為開發中遊戲版本,測試內容不代表遊戲最終品質。測試過程中若出現資料異常、程式BUG、儲值錯誤、手機型號無法適應或其他異常情況等問題,可通過客服中心、Facebook粉絲專頁或加入官方LINE討論群來聯繫我們,我們希望得到您的反饋,並不斷提高遊戲品質,祝您遊戲愉快!【遊戲簡介】“誰控制了過去誰就控制了未來;誰控制了現在,誰就控制了過去” - 喬治·奧威爾《1984》 Who areyou?從昏睡中醒來的你忘記了一切,唯一在你身邊的只有一位女性仿生人。她告訴你,你是記憶美容店的店長,你的工作是幫助客人改寫他們不願提及或不願想起的記憶。你帶著疑惑開始了記憶美容院的店長的“新生活”......直到一天,一位陌生的“客人”闖進你的店裡,在你爲他修改記憶時,一些陌生的記憶碎片闖入你的腦海,仿佛要把你過往的一切記憶全部撕碎。命運的鑰匙仿佛重新回到了你自己的手裡;Who are you? 是時候找出一切的真相了!【特色玩法】遊戲中描繪的是一個賽博龐克風的反烏托邦世界,失去記憶的你在【美容院】中為人們清除掉不想要的記憶。同時也在蒐集訊息積蓄力量,尋找自己失去記憶的真相,隨著調查的深入你發現自己捲入的事件並不簡單……遊戲中除了找尋過去丟失記憶的主線之外,也有著各種不同的支線故事,從不同人物的角度,展現生活在高科技社會下的人性轉變。遊戲中的故事乍看之下各自獨立,實際上卻又充滿著看似巧合的各種聯繫。在遊戲中人們的記憶被塑造成一座迷宮,你需要在迷宮中找尋線索、道具、對話、解密,通過對這些線索進行解析,解開人物記憶中的謎題。多重迷宮的設定讓你在某些時候需要作出抉擇。在記憶迷宮探索時,你會遇到【記憶守護者】的阻撓,只有操縱【人格】戰勝他們才能夠在記憶迷宮中繼續探索。遊戲中的戰鬥陣型是一種【疊羅漢】的造型,戰鬥陣型搭配多樣,你需要根據守護者的類型、陣型選擇相對應的人格和陣型與之戰鬥。FB粉絲團:
塔防三國志 7.3.0
#Classic Three Kingdoms Tower Defense mobile game, happy sixthbirthday! #Super popular strategy mobile game, the total number ofdownloads breakthrough will come! The new generation of towerdefense has become a fairy! !
The strategy card mobile game "Heroes of Brawl" is based on ancienthistory and has a unique three-dimensional card system. It willtake you through time and space and fight against all kinds ofheroes! Chi You picks Houyi, Guan Gong fights Qin Qiong, Diao Chanfights Yuhuan, and various combinations play unrestrainedly!
春秋M - 正統春秋戰國SLG二週年 2.4.1
The seven great powers of Qin, Chu, Qi, Yan, Zhao, Wei, and Hancompeted for hegemony. This was the most magnificent era of greatchange in history, and it was also the peak of the lords' strugglefor hegemony. Here, every strategy contains wisdom; every battlemay create history!
新三國 漢室復興 3.0.0
Brand-new military general, flying general Wen Hou [Ji·Lu Bu]deterrence is coming, and the anniversary strong file [HeroesCelebration] is launched majesticly!
未生逆行 3.7.3
Challenge the future, reverse the fate, and meet the destined onesagain
王牌製片人 2.0.31
2018年首款影視主題模擬經營手遊正式登陸! 體驗從未有過的電影公司經營樂趣,現在就開始享受吧!我們的口號是:培養中意明星,拍攝大賣電影!
삼국지 전략 1.7.0
Forget the Three Kingdoms so far! A number of gods that will changethe history of the Three Kingdoms! Authentic strategy SLG [ThreeKingdoms strategy]!
TapTap Universe
The latest Idle Sci-fi RPG, explore the TapTap Universe! The storysets in the future where humans can colonize different planets, andyou find yourself in the new frontier of space colonies—Max IV.Alien Ruins, Paradigm Space, Ancient Relic…Join the Galaxy Conquestand become the Legendary Hero! ▶Game Features [Collect SpaceHeroes] Heroes from all over the universe, at your disposal! Kurekothe Space Ninja, Gus the Force User, Luke the Bounty Hunter, Hapithe Dark Alchemist…You name it, you have it! [Auto Chess Gameplay]With auto chess gameplay, you can play TapTap Universe whenever youwant, wherever you want! No strings attached, just relax and havefun! [Idle Rewards] Don’t have time to grind? No worries! TapTapUniverse stores up to 12 hours of AFK rewards! Receive lootautomatically, grow stronger without even noticing! [FactionCombos] Build your team with heroes from the same faction to gainmaximum battle strength! Defeat stronger enemies at ease![Worldwide PVP] Compete with players from all around the world inour global arena! Ascend in the leader board to claim massiverewards! [Endless Content] New dungeons, raids and events coming upevery patch! Never get tired of winning loot! —————— Contact us:Facebook:
삼국지 디펜스M 6.8.02
New armament assistance function added; Liu Bei, Son Sang-hyang,Macho, Heze, Guo Jia, Sunuk, Kang You, Taishi Open/Growth Open/NewSacrifice added;Jugong level 200 open
시네마를 부탁해
Ten Million Viewers Project! Cinema please!
To live or to die, that is the question! Adventure Story ofMiniSkull!
리틀삼국 1.1.7
Small but full of the Three Kingdoms! Casual and funcollectibleRPG! Less time (ignore), double the fun (fullcomposition)!
狂M - 熱血傳奇正版授權 2.0.0
"Crazy M" is a massively multiplayer MMORPG mobile game. Thegameuses full 2.5D graphics technology, and creates a fantasyworldthat is both real and fantasy through real-time light andshadowimaging technology.
英雄誓約HERO ALLIN 1.7.6
►2023 Meiman Mythology Idle RPG is officially launched! Login togetthe goddess [Athena]!
고수의길 1.0.10
Idle martial arts RPG that meets text
這個三國輸不起-送10,000抽! 1.0.5
The game has been pre-downloaded, and the first server willbeofficially opened at 10:00 am on August 24, 2023. You can log inatthat time to receive the Wei Shu Wu Junwang gift package andrichpublic beta gifts. See you soon^^
새비지 클래시 1.2.2
Easy and fast exciting game! From primitive society toworlddomination! There is no reason to hesitate any longer!
超雞英雄 1.3.4
There are weasels attacking in the past, and monsters from allsidesare coveting them in the future. Quickly summon the superchickenheroes born from the eggs of the Guji Kingdom to fight tothe deathagainst the monster chickens that are causing harm to thecountry!